Scrisoarea Preşedintelui
WEKAF Romania a avut onoarea de a gazdui 7 echipe din 7 tari printre care Marea Britanie, Italia, Ungaria, Franta, Slovakia, Norway si Romania si 42 de participanti incat acest eveniment a fost timp de 4 zile un adevarat centru multicultural.
Echipa Romaniei a avut placerea de a participa alaturi de echipe extrem de prestigioase, astfel incat au putut invata de la cei mai buni eskrimadori la nivel mondial in materie de Kali Eskrima Arnis.
Trecand de sfera competitionala participantii s-au familiarizat cu elemente ale diferitelor culturii , prin intermediul unor excursii si cu o vizita foarte interesanta la Palatul Parlamentului un edificiu colosal ridicat în „epoca de aur” a dictaturii comuniste si nascut în mintea unui om pentru care dimensiunile aveau o alta relevanta decât o au pentru noi, oamenii obisnuiti.
Mai mult decat atat, acest Campionat European de Kali Eskrima Arnis WEKAF din Romania din data de 16 – 19 Iulie 2015 a fost o ocazie excelenta pentru a invata de la echipe cu zeci de ani de experienta in asemenea intreceri sportive , cele mai bune strategii de lupta si antrenament, de a deprinde elemente de stil , de a intelege importanta unei pregatiri extrem de riguroase in ceea ce priveste evenimentele internationale si multe altele, pe care ne dorim sa le aplicam in viitor in cadrul sesiunilor de pregatire pentru competiile nationale in sistem WEKAF in Romania .
Le multumim sponsorilor nostri Apa Nova Bucuresti , Veolia , Tymbark , RPG Security , Turism and Transport Double T, Ballistic By Viper Concept si tuturor persoanelor participante , in special lui Norman Charles – Vicepresedintele WEKAF Marea Britanie , Maestrului Danilo A. Huertas – Director Doce Pares Europa , Ferenc Danko – Director WEKAF Ungaria , Moreno Martelli – Director WEKAF Italia , Toth Szilard – WEKAF Slovakia, Kent Rodel – WEKAF Norvegia reprezentat de Siva Vadi si WEKAF France, care au reusit sa faca aceasta desfasurare a Campionatului European WEKAF din Romania, Bucharest din data de 16 – 19 Iulie 2015 posibila; afirmarea Romaniei in cadrul acestei competitii a necesitat foarte mult efort si determinare, insa acest campionat ne-a oferit un stimulent puternic in a pregati echipa Romaniei pentru a se clasa in primele locuri in viitorul apropiat.
Despre Campionatul European WEKAF din Romania, Bucuresti din data de 16 – 19 Iulie 2015 putem spune ca scopurile acestui eveniment international au fost de a obtine excelenta , de a incuraja sportivii din intreaga lume, de a promova comunicarea internationala si libertatea cuvantului. Acest cadru a avut o semnificatie deosebita in contextul competitiei, participantii provenind din culturi si regimuri politice extrem de variate, insa tinerii participanti fie din Italia, Ungaria,Romania, Franta, Slovakia, Norvegia sau Marea Britanie au fost dispusi sa discute subiecte sensibile in numele unei societati deschise.
In ciuda faptului ca Romania nu are o lunga traditie in participarea la astfel de evenimente internationale de WEKAF , participarea la Campionatul European WEKAF din Romania, Bucuresti din data de 16 – 19 Iulie 2015 reprezinta o experienta importanta si un inceput bun pentru o tara viitoare castigatoare a acestor tipuri de campionate. Mai mult decat atat, acest eveniment a depasit sfera strict competitionala; Campionatul European WEKAF din Romania, Bucuresti fiind o ocazie unica pentru directorii de tara, antrenori , sportivi participanti de a intari relatiile de prietenie pe viata , discutand liber si a intelege mai bine contextul international al secolului 21.
Orlando Calina – Presedinte WEKAF – Doce Pares Romania www.wekaf .ro
Letter from the President
WEKAF Romania had the honor of hosting the 7 teams from 7 countries including the UK, Italy, Hungary, France, Slovakia, Norway and Romania and 42 participants that this event was for 4 days a true multicultural center.
The Romanian team was pleased to participate with highly prestigious teams so that they could learn from the best eskrimadors global Eskrima Kali Arnis in matters.
Moving sphere racing participants were familiarized with the different elements of culture through tours and a very interesting visit at the Parliament Palace colossal edifice erected in the „golden age” of the dictatorial regime and born in the mind of a man that size They had another relevant than they have for us ordinary people.
Moreover, this European Championship Eskrima Kali Arnis WEKAF of Romania dated 16 to 19 July 2015 was an excellent opportunity to learn from teams with decades of experience in such sports competitions, the best strategies to fight and training, acquiring elements of style, to understand the importance of a highly rigorous preparation in terms of international events and many others that we want to apply them in future training sessions for national competitions in server WEKAF Romania.
We thank our sponsors Apa Nova Bucuresti, Veolia, Tymbark, RPG Security, Tourism and Transport Double T, Ballistic By Viper Concept and all participants especially Norman Charles – Vice WEKAF UK, Master Danilo A. Huertas – Doce Pares Director Europe, Ferenc Danko – Director WEKAF Hungary, Moreno Martelli – Director WEKAF Italy, Toth Szilard – WEKAF Slovakia, Kent Rodel – represented by Siva Vadi WEKAF Norway and WEKAF France, which have managed to make this European Championship WEKAF underway in Romania, in Bucharest on 16-19 July 2015 possible; Romania’s assertion in this competition has required much effort and determination, but this championship has given us a strong incentive in preparing the Romanian team to the top class in the near future.
About European Championship WEKAF of Romania, Bucharest dated 16-19 July 2015 we can say that the goals of this international event were to obtain excellence to encourage athletes from around the world to promote international communication and freedom of speech. This framework has a special significance in the context of the competition, participants from cultures and political regimes extremely varied, but young participants are from Italy, Hungary, Romania, France, Slovakia, Norway and Britain were willing to discuss sensitive issues in the name an open society.
Despite the fact that Romania has a long tradition of participation in such international events WEKAF, WEKAF participation in the European Championships in Romania, Bucharest dated 16-19 July 2015 represents an important experience and a good start for a winning future country these types of championships. Moreover, this event surpass the strict racing; WEKAF European Championship in Romania, Bucharest is a unique opportunity for the country directors, coaches, athletes attendees to strengthen the relations of friendship for life, talking freely and to better understand the international context of the 21st century.
Orlando Calina – President WEKAF – Doce Pares Romania www.wekaf .ro